'Location: Shiongphi Mami Pares | Heroes del 96, Gonzales, St, Caloocan City, Philippines Google Map : https://goo.gl/maps/eeW4KT5LsduHkYbf6 Price: Cow\'s Brain Soup with Rice : 40 Philippine Peso ~ 0.8 US$ Watch more food videos: 1) Bulalo : https://youtu.be/BXva0Ia-zw8 2) Sisig: https://youtu.be/X2IccxmqX-E 3) Beef Mami : https://youtu.be/ojKVy3pbhxQ SUBSCRIBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx7rjL6Y_wyPqFNAYlZaR-w If you like our videos please LIKE, COMMENT and SHARE our videos. Street Food Philippines Hungry Fish Eye'
Tags: eating , street food , asian street food , street food videos , best street food , beef stew , filipino street food , philippines food , pinoy street food , street food philippines , Mami , Hungry fish eye , street food artist , philippine street food , best street food around the world , pares , beef pares , pares mami , beef pares street food , street food beef pares , pares street food , pares mami - beef noodle soup , Pares mami house , mata pares , pares utak , buto mami , utak pares
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